IT&C Business Solutions

We provide innovative information and communication technologies to let you focus on your goals and enhance your productivity.
Prime Time IT&C Business Solutions offers a wide range of services to optimize productivity and to ensure the successful deployment of information systems.

In addition to promoting standardized solutions, we are also offering their customization, based on client requests. We choose the appropriate technology in order to best address our partners’ needs. Our solutions will help you conduct your main business process more efficiently, contributing to the consistency and safety of the business environment.
Our IT&C helps to ensure successful deployment of Information Technology to business operation with ease. Our ICT solution ease business operation and boast efficiency.

Groupware, Productivity and Collaboration Suites for the SMB Market
We design enterprise-class management software which is customized to suit your business need. Examples cut across but not limited to Contents Management System, Document Management System, Customer Relationships Management System and IBM Lotus.
Prime Time IT&C delivers enterprise-class management software customized for specific types of businesses, which cover:

  • IBM® Lotus® Notes and Domino environment
  • Document Management Systems (DMS)
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)


Network Technology
You can rely on our Network Technology for your complete network infrastructure, backup and recovery solution, business telephone system and virtual environment simulation cum implementation.
Our reliable network solutions include:

  • Complete network infrastructure in heterogeneous and hybrid environments
    • Intranet architecture design and managed network equipment
    • High availability server management
  • Directory services, file, and print services
  • Backup and recovery solutions (hardware and software)
  • Managed security services (security standards)
    • Integrated spam solutions and monitoring services
    • Virtual private networks (VPN) and secured connections
  • Business telephone systems (PBX)
  • Virtual environment simulation and implementation


    Sibiu, str. Moldovei nr. 13

    Tel: +40 269 / 234647
    Fax: +40 269 / 234647
    Mobil: +40 726 634 416
